Steven, a young man living in the Yirrkala in Northeast Arnhem Land, had his life changed forever in 1987 when he was struck by a car as a pedestrian.
Steven was walking on the road at night, returning home after visiting friends when a car approached him from behind without headlights on, and the driver failed to see him. The accident resulted in major spinal injuries that left him with paraplegia.
Steven lives in supported accommodation in Darwin that caters to individuals with spinal injuries and serious disabilities. The facility provides constant care for clients with high medical and nursing requirements.
This year, with the support of MACC, he decided to share his story and create a campaign to educate young people, particularly those living in Arnhem Land about responsible behaviour on the roads.
His campaign will emphasise the importance of pedestrian safety, always wearing a seatbelt, refraining from drinking and driving and safety on and near roads.
Steven has been supported by the MAC Scheme with high quality medical and personal care for the past 36 years and will continue to receive this support for the remainder of his life. The MAC Scheme also supports Steven to maximise his independence and quality of life with supports such as his motorized wheelchair which allowed him to get out to appointments and into the community.
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