In some situations, you may be required to make a home visit to provide treatment or services to a patient who is unable to travel due to their injuries.
Reasonable travel costs may be covered in order to provide clinical treatment that is away from your normal practice location. Reasonable travel costs such a mileage, taxi fare and Provider time are usually covered at your hourly rate, or part thereof for the return travel time.
Before delivering any home-based services, which may incur travel costs, please contact the claimant's TIO MAC case manager to discuss the travel requirements and proposed costs which will need MAC Scheme approval.
If you propose to travel to a regional or remote location to treat one or more patients, you will need to provide TIO MAC with an itemised cost for pre-approval before incurring any travel expenses.
The travel quote should provide the following details:
Where you will be treating other patients (not MAC Scheme claimants) in the same visit, the quote for TIO MAC travel costs should be apportioned between the patients.
TIO MAC pre-approval to cover provider travel costs is necessary before any travel commitments are made. Please contact the patient’s TIO MAC case manager to confirm that MAC will cover these costs.
MAC supports telehealth services to give patients the convenience and flexibility to access health services from home.
Telehealth services enable providers to use video conferencing to deliver health services to a patient and/or communicate health information about that patient. Where MAC Scheme participants don’t have access to videoconferencing, telephone consultations may be used.
Telehealth services allow you to be paid at your equivalent face-to-face rate when telehealth services are delivered to MAC Scheme participants.
Please contact the patient’s case manager to discuss arrangements for telehealth appointment.
Business hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Call TIO MAC on 1300 493 506
to arrange an interpreter service
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