Reports and Independent Medical Examinations (IME)

Treatment progress reports

From time to time, TIO MAC may require a progress report with more clinical details beyond what was initially provided in the Treatment Plan. 

These reports provide TIO MAC with a more thorough understanding of the claimant's progress and assists us to make informed decisions regarding the patient's ongoing care. 

A progress report should provide a comprehensive overview of the patient’s current status, encompassing various aspects such as:

  • ongoing improvements
  • barriers to recovery
  • self-management strategies
  • proposed duration of treatment
  • confirmation of successful completion of treatment leading to discharge from care

When a written progress report is requested by TIO MAC, please submit a separate invoice to TIO MAC for the time charges to prepare the report or for an amount otherwise agreed with TIO MAC.

Independent Medical Examinations (IME)

During the patient’s treatment period, we may also coordinate an Independent Medical Examination or a review of the current treatment.

We use the Independent Medical Examination report to review the injury status, permanent impairment, treatment being received, potential to return to work capacity and to assess the ongoing claim liability for the MAC Scheme. 

The additional information in the independent medical report also enables TIO MAC to review its decisions around what treatment is necessary and reasonable for the current and future treatment plans. 

The Independent Medical Examination may make recommendations for a change in the treatment plan, in which case a copy of the report is to be provided to the patient's treatment provider.  If the treatment provider wishes to discuss the report, they should contact patients TIO MAC case manager. 

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