You can make a claim if:
If you, or someone you represent, was injured or died in an interstate accident that involved a Northern Territory registered vehicle, please see
Interstate Accidents.
You may not be entitled to benefits in a number of situations, including:
For hire e-scooters and e-bikes are electric powered vehicles owned by Neuron or Beam as permitted by the City of Darwin
People injured as a result of using for hire e-scooters and e-bikes in the Northern Territory may be able to claim on the scooter company's insurance policy for injury, harm, damage or loss suffered as a result of an accident.
People injured using a for hire e-scooter or e-bike should lodge a claim with the relevant scooter company.
After your entitlement under the scooter company's insurance policy is exhausted, you may be entitled to make a claim on the MAC Scheme.
Business hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Business hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Call TIO MAC on 1300 493 506
to arrange an interpreter service
© Northern Territory Motor Accidents (Compensation) Commission. ABN 72 532 995 678 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TERMS AND CONDITIONS