People who defraud the MAC Scheme increase the cost of Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance premiums for all Northern Territory motorists.
Fraud involves wrongful or criminal deception to gain financial or personal gain.
Fraud can include the exaggeration of otherwise legitimate claims, intentional misrepresentation of the facts or the manipulation of the claims processes to gain a personal or financial advantage.
People who defraud the MAC Scheme increase the cost of Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance premiums for all Northern Territory motorists.
Fraud may be committed by any party involved in the claims management process. Fraud involves dishonest conduct, acts or omissions (for example providing false or exaggerated information either verbally or in writing) to obtain a benefit that a person would not otherwise be entitled to.
As the MAC Scheme’s claims manager, TIO has robust systems and processes in place to detect, investigate and prevent fraud.
Where there are reasonable grounds of suspicion of fraud, TIO will take prompt action to minimise the potential loss to the MAC Scheme and protect the interests of Northern Territory motor vehicle owners.
The identification of fraudulent behaviour may result in:
If you suspect fraudulent behaviour regarding a MAC claim or the handling of a MAC claim you can make a confidential report to TIO by:
Phone: 1300 493 506
Mail: GPO Box 770 Darwin NT 0801
Or you can make a report directly to the Motor Accidents Compensation Commission
GPO Box 1974 Darwin NT 0801
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Business hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Call TIO MAC on 1300 493 506
to arrange an interpreter service
© Northern Territory Motor Accidents (Compensation) Commission. ABN 72 532 995 678 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TERMS AND CONDITIONS