Caring for the safety, wellbeing and recovery of Territory road users.
Our mission is to provide an affordable, equitable and sustainable personal injury scheme to support individuals and families impacted by road trauma to get their lives back on track. We strive to reduce the risk of road injuries and fatalities through research, advocacy and funding for effective prevention strategies.
These are the values that guide MACC and others that represent us, in our thinking, behaviours, decision making and how we care for those who have been impacted by trauma on our roads.
We value the quality of life of injured people and pursue early intervention strategies to help people to regain control of their lives and return to work sooner. We invest in road safety research and initiatives to make our roads safer.
We ensure every conversation with our claimants, partners and our community, is heard and is acted on. We find ways around the barriers preventing people from achieving their goals of getting back to health, work and independence as soon as possible.
We believe that every person deserves to be treated with respect, dignity, fairness and empathy, regardless of their background, identity, circumstances or where they live.
We deal with people and issues directly and with transparency. We take initiative to solve problems and deliver what we promise to our claimants and stakeholders.
We are committed to finding better ways to care for our claimants and preventing road trauma for Territorians.
Business hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Business hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Call TIO MAC on 1300 493 506
to arrange an interpreter service
© Northern Territory Motor Accidents (Compensation) Commission. ABN 72 532 995 678 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TERMS AND CONDITIONS