Approval and process for MAC Scheme funding.
Please contact your TIO MAC case manager before starting any treatment so that we can confirm the treatment and rehabilitation costs that will be funded by the MAC Scheme.
To approve the payment of treatment, TIO MAC may need more information from your health or service provider to understand the proposed treatment plan and how this will support your recovery.
When arranging treatment or rehabilitation services, please give them your TIO MAC claim number as most providers will send invoices for the cost of treatment directly to TIO MAC.
On some occasions, you may need to pay the service provider at the time of the appointment. If the treatment has been pre-approved by TIO MAC, you will be reimbursed for the costs when providing the payment receipt.
Please keep all receipts to assist your claim for reimbursement.
Talk to your TIO MAC case manager before incurring any treatment expenses to avoid disappointments or delays in reimbursement.
Business hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Business hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Call TIO MAC on 1300 493 506
to arrange an interpreter service
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