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MAC takes several factors into consideration when assessing treatment or services as being necessary and reasonable, including but not limited to:
A recommended treatment plan for a MAC Scheme participant should be submitted to TIO MAC for approval before treatment is commenced to confirm that costs will be covered and to facilitate the timely payment of services.
The eligibility criteria and benefits that are payable by the MAC Scheme, are set out in legislation.
All claims management decisions for funding of treatment, services and other supports are made in accordance with:
As a provider you can support MAC Scheme claimants with treatments and services that:
The Clinical-Framework-for-the-Delivery-of-Health-Services.pdf (nt.gov.au)
provides the principles and guidelines to help you deliver the right care at the right time.
There is no prescribed schedule of fees and charges for providers to the MAC Scheme (other than for attendant care). Provider fees and charges are expected to be fair, reasonable and consistent with the providers existing pricing schedule.
The hourly rates paid by the MAC Scheme for attendant care services are prescribed in the
Motor Accidents (Compensation) Regulations 1984 Schedule 2 - Pricing of benefits for attendant care services.
Before commencing treatment with a MAC Scheme client, you should contact MAC to confirm that funding for a specific number of treatments is approved for the patient. For future treatment beyond the initial treatments approved, you will need to submit a patient treatment plan.
When contacting MAC, please reference the claimant's name, and if known, their MAC claim number (which is recorded on their claim acceptance letter).
To confirm approval for treatment, please email
mac@tiofi.com.au or call MAC on 1300 493 506.
Invoices for treatment provided to MAC Scheme claimants are to be submitted to MAC for payment after treatment has been provided.
A separate invoice is needed for each patient – multiple patients cannot appear on the same invoice.
A tax invoice must include the following information (in addition to any details required under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) law, as applicable):
1. Your business details
2. MAC Scheme claimant details
3. Provider details
4. Service details
Compliance with GST laws, which can vary according to the type of service being provided, is the responsibility of the provider. Please refer to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or seek advice from your tax advisor.
Please email invoices to mac@tiofi.com.au and include in the subject line “Invoice”, “Claimant's Name” and "client's MAC Scheme claim number" (if known).
Please call TIO MAC on 1300 493 506 or contact the claimant's TIO MAC case manager.
Business hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Call TIO MAC on 1300 493 506
to arrange an interpreter service
© Northern Territory Motor Accidents (Compensation) Commission. ABN 72 532 995 678 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TERMS AND CONDITIONS