Jan was seriously injured by a motor vehicle accident in 1998 when the vehicle rolled, and her right arm was amputated. Since that time, Jan has used a number of prosthetic arms, however recently she decided to try something with more functionality that included a hand. Jan’s new prothesis is custom made for her and specifically designed for tropical conditions. The hand functionality is connected with electrodes using the bicep and tricep muscles to move the fingers and thumb and rotate. It has multiple functional settings, allowing the use of the index finger or thumb to point, type, grab door handles, hold bags, shake hands, open jars and perform actions useful for everyday life.
Formerly a lecturer at Charles Darwin University, Jan is now retired and is writing the biography of Aboriginal rights activist Don McLeod. Jan called into the TIO office to show claims consultant Tarryn and the claims team her new prothesis which she is extremely pleased with.
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