Home modifications are changes made to your home to improve your safety and independence.
Home modification benefits are provided in accordance with the Motor Accidents (Compensation) Act 1979 and the Motor Accidents (Compensation) Regulations 1984.
MAC Scheme support for home modifications will be considered based on the nature, extent and permanency of your injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident.
Your TIO MAC case manager will arrange for an occupational therapist to visit you in hospital and at home, to assess your necessary and reasonable needs for your safety and to maximise your independence including the suitability of your home or accommodation.
TIO MAC will consider the recommendations made by your occupational therapist.
When you return home from hospital or a rehabilitation facility, it is important that you can easily enter and leave your home and move around inside independently and safely.
Modifications to the structure, layout or fittings of your home may be required for this.
An example of necessary and reasonable modifications may include:
Short-term temporary accommodation may be available if you are unable to access your home during the modification process.
All home modifications must meet the Australian standards for disability and access, be undertaken by a qualified builder and comply with relevant building regulations.
When considering funding approval, TIO MAC must take into account the following:
The process for home modification requests can be quite complex and there are a lot of considerations necessary.
Your TIO MAC case manager will keep you informed of the progress of any formal requests for home modifications.
After TIO MAC has all the necessary information and costings to assess the request, you will receive a formal letter advising of the decision to approve or not approve the requests.
Business hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Call TIO MAC on 1300 493 506
to arrange an interpreter service
© Northern Territory Motor Accidents (Compensation) Commission. ABN 72 532 995 678 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TERMS AND CONDITIONS