The Barunga Festival is an iconic annual event held in the remote community of Barunga, 320km southeast of Darwin NT. It’s a celebration of Aboriginal traditions, culture, music, sport and art attracting around 5,000 people over a 3-day long weekend in June each year.
In 2023 MACC sponsored some the event bring the first ever “Always wear your seatbelt” Colour Run to the Barunga Festival.
As a champion of road safety, it is important to MACC that safe road user awareness extends Territory wide. Adopting different communications strategies such as the Barunga festival is necessary to read the diverse range of people in the Territory.
The Colour Run provided a unique opportunity for MACC to engage with Aboriginal children, youth, adults and families around the need to always wear a seatbelt.
Business hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Call TIO MAC on 1300 493 506
to arrange an interpreter service
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